MUDHOL D.T aka Vasantraoraje Ghorpade
The D.T aka Vasantraoraje Tatyasaheb Ghorpade ,brother branch of H.H Bhairavsinhraje (the last Raja of Mudhol). Bhimraoraje grandfather of Vasantraoraje used to sit in Darbar hall and also looked after the arrangements , therefore had a great hold on people and contributed hugely for public welfare. What was interestingly from Generations , that these Ghorpade’s used to only marry the daughters of Ghatge’s and the daughters of ghorpade’s tied the knots with the Shinde Inamdars of machuknur’s only. Along to that of the ‘Rajwada ‘i.e Palace, there was a ‘Mansion’ in Sutthatti where D.T aka Vasantraoraje used to reside with his family. He contributed in building the Mahadeva temple which is the ‘Gramdevat i.e common worship place’ for the people in Mudhol. In 1947, H.H Bhairavsinh maharajsaheb signed off Mudhol Sansthan with the Union of India so Vasantraoraje came to poona along with maharajsaheb . Not ...